Wednesday, June 10, 2009

UCLA Appointment, a Breeze

I'm not sure I've mentioned it yet, but I'm not using the wheelchair anymore. It's nice to have on hand for now since it's only been a week or two since I've gone vertical. There might be an occasion I'll need it if there is some major walking trip that I really shouldn't take on Disneyland or something, LOL!

So I went to my appointment today at UCLA. It was great walking all the way there from the parking lot for the first time. I then had to walk to the cafeteria, the long way around, and up 2 long flights of stairs which, until now, I'd not been able to do stairs. Though it did hurt my hip by the last one, I'm seeing major progress in all areas.

The doctor saw me and agreed with me that I'm doing very well...he could tell. The initial blood tests, just the CBC came in and showed my hemoglobin was 11 (12 is normal), my white blood cells were 6, and my platelets were 113,000 (working toward the 150,000 mark). Still waiting to hear back on my other labs, metabolic panel, thyroid, iron levels, etc.

How 'bout that L.A. traffic? What traffic? We have been experiencing nothing, but a breeze of a drive to and from UCLA. I told Mike's mom, who was surprised we were home at just 7 pm, that we are indeed blessed. Adam retorted, "they are super people." Maybe he meant we're like super heroes who fly above traffic, but he really is that sweet. By the way, Adam caught a cold last night so you can pray he gets over it quickly and that the rest of us don't get it.

Matthew 15:30-32

Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them. The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel.

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