Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Had a Great Day Today, PLUS Trevor's Happy Day

I had a fantastic day today as I am all done with chemo and was able to catch up on some much needed sleep with 2 naps, 1 before lunch and 1 before dinner. I enjoyed a much needed shower too! Then the family came by for a lunchtime visit and stayed 2 hours. We had a really nice time in the larger "family room" down the hall which has puzzles that Trevor enjoyed working on while Mike read to us from The Sign of the Beaver, a read aloud we're doing in school. Wonderful story! We had some good snuggle time and lots of talking. Everyone seemed more rested today.

Later Trevor's friend Luca, from soccer, brought Trevor to the pumpkin patch with his family, who bought him a pumpkin. Thanks so much Ziggy and Daniel! Trevor wanted to get one to make a pumpkin pie this weekend. He's been talking about pumpkin pie for his birthday too which is Oct. 30. And now I'm hungry.

Trevor is pretty determined to paint his bedroom this weekend too - He wants to make it a Swiss bedroom. I thought that would mean something I can do, like a white room with a red stripe across and one down, but nope. He wants to make a Switzerland scene...alps, buildings, a Swiss train! Well, Ziggy (Luca's mom)! We went to Switzerland last December, and his bedroom needs painted, and since you're from Switzerland and are a good painter of bedroom murals (I heard), would you be interested in helping little Trevor achieve his dreams for a Swiss bedroom? :) I can't even imagine where to begin, but apparently he's already moving stuff off his walls to prepare. LOL!

On the health front, it's amazing that my hemoglobin is still very stable at 10.2 as of this a.m.! I must still be producing my own healthy red blood cells. And even my platelets kept stable overnight and at last check were 55k. I received an HLA-donated platelet unit today just because it was earmarked for me if I needed it and was set to expire. It certainly doesn't hurt to get more because "normal" is at least 150k. I learned that in 1 week I will get another bone marrow biopsy to check to make sure we got all the leukemic cells. And another week to let the my bone marrow rebuild its numbers on its own - getting injections for white blood cell boosts to help. So I'm doing well and thank you for letting me rest today! I needed it. I'm definitely open for visitors on Wednesday as I'm all showered and rested :) I just ask you adhere to the visitor guidelines to protect me from infection and be sure to call first 722-5556.

Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy
and I will give thanks to him in song.

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