Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Of The Same

There hasn't been any real improvement in Krista's condition since the IV antibiotics stopped. She hasn't been as sleepy, but the pain and nausea are still quite strong. She was taking bactrim today, and that can add to the bad feelings. Tomorrow's regiment is considerably lighter than it has been in a long time. I hope that will help her feel better.

I went into work in the afternoon again while Mom watched Krista and the boys. Linda Kitt brought a lasagna dinner while I was at work. I think Krista was too nauseated to eat, but the rest of us really enjoyed it. Thanks Mom and Linda!

In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge;
let me never be put to shame.
Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness;
turn your ear to me and save me.
Be my rock of refuge,
to which I can always go;
give the command to save me,
for you are my rock and my fortress.
(Psalm 71:1-3)

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