Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thank You for Praying

Last night I was able to sleep somehow, despite the agonizing pain in my head and neck. So thank you for your prayers because I had a much better day today. This morning I was a little hungover from the medication I had to take last night to make it through, but once that passed, I could tell I was getting better and wouldn't face that again today.

I wasn't able to attend church with my family, but look forward to hearing the message which was on facing life's storms. I heard it was very good. I am also excited that Adam is taking initiative to play drums with the kid's praise band. He has been playing drums for a year and a half or more, but has never played in a band. He's quite good with reading music and playing what he's learned, so this kind of playing freestyle is going to be a good next challenge for him. The band is made up of kids who seem really helpful in working with each other too so it's a perfect fit for him. Initially, he's going to play a hand drum to get used to the freestyle nature of playing in a band. He'll also act as back-up drummer should they need him.

I spent the day resting and taking my teacher training course in Teaching Writing: Structure and Style by the Institute for Excellence in Writing. Hopefully my blogging will improve as a by-product, LOL! I'm excited to be preparing a co-op writing class to take place in my home.

Our family enjoyed watching the Lakers beat the Magic tonight to win the Finals! We don't watch basketball normally, but got into the Finals because it was a "local" team and the games were exciting!

I want to mention that we really love our new dining room furniture - thanks Allison and J.J.! I had the pleasure of sitting at it tonight with the family to eat Mike's gourmet open faced sandwich - grilled eggplant on toasted sourdough bread with pesto and mayo. He also prepared an extraordinary gourmet macaroni and cheese tonight for baking tomorrow. Check out the recipe folks - it's delicious and I can't wait to eat it! You'll want to make it for yourselves soon. I'm obsessed with cheese lately...could you tell?

1 Chronicles 29:12-14

Wealth and honor come from you;
you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
to exalt and give strength to all.

Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and praise your glorious name.

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